Transcatheter Mitral Valve Technologies: The Heart of Cardiovascular Device Innovation

The current atmosphere in medical device investment is one of caution: Over the last five years, about two-thirds of high-impact medical device M&A deals have occurred following U.S. commercialization1, that is, after targets had already generated the robust clinical data needed for U.S. marketing approval, payment and reimbursement. Many large companies, it seems, want earnings today more than they want tomorrow’s potential. This trend aligns with other technical product-based industries where incremental innovation tends to slowly evolve markets, versus dramatic evolutionary shifts. 

Next-generation mitral valve repair and replacement are another story. The companies developing these technologies are commanding strategic valuations at the earliest stages of development. At the combined apex of clinical, technical, economic and market trends, Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement (TMVR) and Repair (TMVr) technologies are among the last steps in the cardio-strategic roadmap. For large companies with more money than risk, they offer the tantalizing promise of massive value-creation.